One-on-One Counseling

FREE private & confidential one-on-one professional advice

Not sure what YOUR next steps should be? Wondering if you might qualify for any down payment or first-time home buyer programs? One Roof Housing Counselors offer FREE private & confidential one-on-one professional advice to help you achieve your dream of homeownership. One Roof Housing Counselors will work with you to:


    • Determine what you can afford

    • Develop a budget and savings plan

    • Find the right mortgage product for your needs

    • Address credit problems that could prevent you from getting a mortgage

    • Create a customized action plan with specific, manageable steps to help you achieve your goals

As part of the counseling process, a One Roof Housing Counselor can provide you a free copy of your credit report that includes your credit score.

Register online here.*

For more information about home buyer counseling or to schedule an appointment, please contact Randi by phone or email at: 218-461-8187,

*Please note that our one-on-one counseling program and Home Stretch workshops are best suited for buyers in the Twin Ports and surrounding areas. To locate an advisor or class in your purchase area, please use the search tool on the MN Homeownership Center’s website.

DULUTH, MN 55805

Office Hours:

*In-person appointments and office visits are by appointment only.  Please call 727-5372 to schedule an appointment!

Phone: (218) 727-5372

Fax: (218) 727-9368


One Roof Community Housing Copyright 2021
Make Loan Payments

Payment Portal Access

To access the portal and submit your payment, visit the link below:

Company id:  NHSD
User id: 4 digit loan number
PIN: Last 4 digits of your SS#
Payment Options:  ACH/EFT only (Debit/Credit cards are not accepted)

If you need assistance or have questions about making a payment, please contact Angie:

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