Make Lease Payments

CLT Homeowners may now pay their lease fees online by clicking here to use a secure online payment form.

Please note that paying online is one of several different options available for paying lease fees:

  • Brooke Tapp can be contacted at or by phone (218) 206-9316 to set up automatic payments.
  • Checks that are made out to One Roof Community Housing can be either mailed or placed in the drop box outside the office at 12 E. 4th St, Duluth, MN, 55805. Do not leave cash.
  • A payment via credit or debit card can be made over the phone by calling Brooke at (218) 206-9316.

Important Note to CLT Homeowners: If you are paying fees with a credit card, please be aware that the amount paid will be subjected to the current interest rate on the card that is used. If you are experiencing any financial difficulties and are unable to make payments or have an outstanding amount due, please contact our CLT Stewardship Associate, Brooke Tapp at or by phone (218) 206-9316 create a payment plan that works for you and is interest free.

DULUTH, MN 55805

Office Hours:

*In-person appointments and office visits are by appointment only.  Please call 727-5372 to schedule an appointment!

Phone: (218) 727-5372

Fax: (218) 727-9368


One Roof Community Housing Copyright 2021
Make Loan Payments

Payment Portal Access

To access the portal and submit your payment, visit the link below:

Company id:  NHSD
User id: 4 digit loan number
PIN: Last 4 digits of your SS#
Payment Options:  ACH/EFT only (Debit/Credit cards are not accepted)

If you need assistance or have questions about making a payment, please contact Angie:

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