What is CLT Stewardship?
One Roof Community Land Trust homes have received funding from local, state, federal entities. This funding is what makes the home affordable. It is the Land Lease Agreement that makes the affordability long-term. The one-time financial investment is recycled over and over with each sale and purchase of the home. The homebuyer and One Roof enter into the Land Lease Agreement as dual “stewards” of this resource = an affordable home.
The four goals of Stewardship:
- PROMOTE the success of homeowners.
- PROTECT the affordability of publicly-invested in homes.
- PRESERVE the quality and condition of home for future generations.
- PREVENT the loss of public investment and homeowner returns, especially to foreclosure.
One Roof’s CLT Stewardship Associate is on staff to help households maximize wealth while protecting the program and its community investment through assisting homeowners with financial responsibility and ability to maintain the property as well as monitoring the physical asset and enforcing program requirements found in the Land Lease Agreement.