Free and open to all residents of Duluth
To reserve a tool and schedule a pick-up or drop-off, please give us a call at (218) 727-5372 or email
One Roof hosts a Community Tool Lending Library that is free and open to all residents to check out, free of charge – just like a library. The tool lending library includes a variety of power and hand tools for all types of home improvement projects and home repairs, both indoor and out.
Please take a moment to review the Borrower Agreement and reach out with questions!
Tools can be checked out for up to one week, but can be extended if others are not waiting to use the borrowed tools.
The Tool Lending Library inventory can be viewed here. When you’re ready to make a reservation, you can use this link to reserve a tool and schedule pick up and drop off times.
For more information, please contact One Roof at (218) 727-5372 or by email.